
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Information for Diabetics.

DIABETICS! Are you taking diabetes drugs or insulin? Have you been convinced that these are all you need to normalize your blood sugar and regain your health?

Then it’s time you rediscovered a
therapy thousands of years old called
“Like Heals Like” That May
Rejuvenate Your Pancreas!

Dear Fellow Diabetic,

I’ve been a Type 2 Diabetic for 21 years and I have to tell you that diabetes drugs and insulin can be life saviors — but they don’t help your body to stabilize blood sugar on its own. Nor do they help to heal your pancreas so it can secrete insulin when it’s needed.

Rejuvenating your pancreas is the ONLY true blood sugar control!

In this letter, I’m going to tell you about a new supplement called “Glyco-Betic that gives you a one-two punch to both stabilize your blood sugar and to also heal your pancreas. So, find a comfortable chair, make a cup of tea, turn off the TV and send the kids to bed — because you’re going learn some shocking and life-altering news!

First, you’ve been told over and over again to limit your ingestion of carbohydrates. It’s true that over consumption of simple carbohydrates like refined sugar, starch and flour leads to high blood sugar.

But, that’s only part of the story.

You also need to limit your consumption of protein foods such as meat. Why?

Remember, proteins are composed of “amino acids” and your liver converts any excess into blood sugar, which floods your system. Your body simply can’t store extra amino acids. The process is called “gluconeogenesis”. Don’t fret over the size of that word, it simply means the “making of new sugar”.

So, how do you limit consumption of protein so you don’t spike your blood sugar?

 Well, proteins are “chains of amino acids” connected end-to-end that twist and flex in unique ways. This makes them useful in performing the work of the body.

The flesh of each kind of animal be it chicken, cow, pig, fish or even protein from vegetables such as beans have a unique composition of amino acids.

The “muscle meat” of a cow has a slightly different amino acid composition than that of a chicken or a fish. But, they are very similar. Their structure is also very similar that of human muscle. That’s one reason why meat, poultry or fish is very nourishing in helping us to build strong bodies.

But, you are much more than just muscle. You have organs such as a heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, brain and sexual organs. You also have glands such as the adrenals, pituitary, hypothalamus and pancreas, etc. These are not muscles. They are built from totally different combinations of amino acids than your muscles.

“You Cannot Get All The Amino Acids You Need to Repair Your

Organs and Glands Like Your Pancreas

— If You Only Eat Muscle Meat and Plant Proteins!”

Yet, for all our lives Americans don’t eat the organs and glands of other animals — we just eat the muscle meat. Does this make sense? One intrepid doctor, Dr. Charles Jarowski, the former director of Research and Development at the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer didn’t think so either.

Today Dr. Jarowski is 92 years old and has uncovered the connection between amino acids in the diet and the staggering increase in Type 2 diabetes.

He was one of the first to recognize that just like all animals, the human body and all its tissues, glands and organs have a unique combination of amino acids.

He also surmised that if we get most of our protein from “muscle meat”, not from the entire animals as our ancestors did, then the amino acids consumed only match the amino acid profile of our muscles, not our glands or organs.

As mentioned before, if you consume amino acids that your body cannot use immediately, then your liver will convert the excess into glucose. This “new sugar” then floods your blood stream, which is extremely detrimental for diabetics.

By understanding this dietary dilemma and motivated by the fact that most of his family were ravaged by diabetes, Dr. Jarowski set out to save himself from diabetes and its dreaded complications caused by out-of-control blood sugar.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Since most folk do not eat “organs and glands”, Dr. Jarowski concluded that a dietary supplement providing the amino acids lacking in “muscle meat” would furnish what was sorely needed by the vital organs and glands.

Dr. Jarowski was relentless. He examined the 60 proteins that Americans frequently consumed. He also analyzed proteins from organs and glands that Americans typically do not consume. He compared the amino acid profile of “muscle meat” versus those from “organs and glands”.

For example, he found that “heart cells” contain 18 different amino acids arranged in a very specific manner. To make more heart cells your body must have ALL 18 amino acids at the same time and in the correct amounts. If just one amino acid is missing, then heart cell replication is blocked.

Dr. Jarowski Identified Those Amino Acids That

Were Most Lacking in The American Diet!

After years of study he isolated four specific amino acids that were woefully deficient in the American diet. By supplementing with these four much more dietary protein can be utilized to help repair and rebuild all your organs, glands and tissues. This includes your pancreas, brain, heart, lungs, adrenals, liver, spleen, intestines, etc.

In addition, glucose made from excess amino acids would not flood your bloodstream. But, there are more benefits than just stable blood sugar and healthy organs.

Dr. Jarowski also found that these missing amino acids resulted in lowered blood fats (triglycerides), lowered blood cholesterol, decreased blood ammonia and diminished blood homocysteine. These benefit both diabetics and non-diabetics alike.

I agree with Dr. Jarowski that you must provide your body with those absent amino acids.

But, It Seems Dr. Jarowski Never Considered The Power Of

Like Heals Like” — Organic Glandular Therapy!

 I also believe that in order to rebuild your pancreas you need much more than just missing amino acids.

A healthy pancreas is also comprised of enzymes, proteins, peptides, essential fatty acids, DNA, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, hormone precursors and other co-factors.


To build a healthy, disease free pancreas you must turn to “Glandular Therapy”.

There are two concepts upon which this therapy is based.  The first is that “like cells help like cells” or "Like Heals Like." The premise is that a gland like the pancreas, when consumed in its raw, whole state can help your own pancreas to heal and function better.

The second idea is that consumption of pancreas tissue will provide your body with hormones and other biologically active substances that are normally secreted by that gland. Therefore, the intake of raw, pancreas extracts from animals raised organically enhances the function of your own pancreas. This helps to restore your overall metabolism.

Like Heals Like has been practiced for thousands of years and is still very much part of India’s Ayurvedic Medicine and also the Traditional Medicine of China.  The ancient Greeks and Egyptians also revered its healing powers.

The scientific community calls it “Organotherapy” or “Glandular Therapy” and Western Medicine also practiced it until the 1940’s. However with the advent of antibiotics and the isolation of insulin, research was discontinued — not because it was ineffectual — but because drugs were much more profitable for the pharmaceutical industry.

“Let’s See How Glandular Therapy Makes

Your Pancreas Vital And Strong!”

Your pancreas serves as both an exocrine and endocrine gland. As an exocrine gland, the pancreas produces digestive enzymes that help you to breakdown proteins, carbohydrates and fats (lipids). To do this it produces the enzymes; trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, amylase and lipase. It also secretes sodium bicarbonate that helps to neutralize the acid chyme that is emptied by your stomach into your small intestine.

As a diabetic, you are very familiar with the endocrine function of the pancreas. The beta cells located in the Islets of Langerhans manufacture and secrete the hormone; insulin in order to lower elevated blood glucose. In addition, the alpha cells of the Islets manufacture the hormone; glucagon that raise blood sugar when it’s too low.

With all the functions your pancreas has to perform, it needs to be nourished by much more than just four lacking amino acids. You also need the raw materials from the whole pancreas to rebuild and repair your own.  You need enzymes, proteins, peptides, amino acids, DNA, natural lipids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, hormone precursors and other co-factors.

Science Reports Many Diabetics Achieve Blood

Sugar Control And Replenishment Of Digestive

Enzymes After Ingesting Pancreas Extract!

In the early 1900’s, researcher William Berkeley discovered that the ingestion of pancreas extract supported blood glucose levels within normal parameters.

Other researchers had similar success.

Researchers Barbera and Adinolfi found digestive enzyme deficiency in the pancreases of diabetics that were then normalized by ingestion of raw pancreas or dried pancreas.

Researcher Halprin gave a low salt, high carbohydrate diet including pancreas extract, to 9 diabetic patients with arteriosclerosis, nephritis (kidney disease), aortic disease (blood vessel disease) or essential hypertension (high blood pressure). 

The extract was prepared without heating and without alcohol extraction. Oral consumption of this dried extract has been shown to lower blood glucose levels. In one month the patients also lost 2 to 4 pounds and felt much better. Blood pressure also showed a drop in the diastolic pressure to below 100. A drop of from 10 to 20mm in the systolic pressure was achieved by 4 patients after 5 months.

Pancreas’s Ally — Organic Liver From Grass-Fed Animals!

Organic pancreas glandular has a two-fisted ally — raw organic glandulars made from the livers of grass-fed animals. Henry R. Harrower, M.D., who was a pioneering organotherapist and endocrinologist during the first half of the twentieth century, established that glandulars work better when they are consumed in unison. He contended that when treated with at least two glands, literally thousands of cases of endocrine dysfunction were healed. He called it his “pluriglandular” approach.

Organic liver from grass-fed animals is an extremely potent PRIMAL food! Liver is a storehouse of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E & K), essential fatty acids; very-long chain super unsaturated fatty acids, the entire B vitamin complex, vitamin C, plus the minerals: iron, copper, zinc, chromium, selenium, cobalt, molybdenum, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and calcium including trace elements.

Perhaps more importantly, liver also contains nutritional co-factors whose composition is unknown, but whose beneficial results are legend. For example, many scientists believe that liver from exclusively grass-fed animals contains undiscovered nutritive factors that promote stamina, strength, endurance and healing.

Scientists Hail Liver’s Healing Power Over Cancer & Diabetes

In 1937 researcher Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi received the Noble Prize for isolating and identifying Vitamin C. However, this was just one of his accomplishments. In 1972 he reported that extracts of liver had strongly inhibited the growth of inoculated cancer in mice.

In the 1920’s Dr. Max Gerson of Germany was a specialist in “nerve diseases”. He devised a liver based formula that helped in many diseases including nerve disorders, lupus, tuberculosis, meningitis and diabetes.

In fact, the famous doctor Albert Schweitzer, recovered from diabetes at the age of seventy-five under Dr. Gerson’s care.

Dr. Schweitzer publicly applauded Dr. Gerson by saying:

“I see in Gerson one of the most eminent geniuses in the history of medicine!”

Dr. Schweitzer lived to be ninety.

Dr. Ron Schmid, N.D. reveals in his book; Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine that… “Gerson stressed that the liver must be fresh, raw, and taken from animals raised without the use of hormones, antibiotics or pesticides.”

Only Pure, Organic New Zealand Freeze-Dried

Glandular Concentrates Are Used In Glyco-Betic!

Purity: First, New Zealand livestock are grass-fed on pesticide free pastures and are never given hormones or antibiotics. New Zealand glandulars meet the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO) requirements as an organic source.

Safety: A veterinarian inspects the animal before slaughter and afterwards for any sign of disease prior to utilizing any part of the animal. In contrast, The Scripps Howard News Service reports that federal guidelines in the U. S. state that meat and organs are assumed to be safe for consumption even if there are intestinal parasites, glandular swellings, and sores.

Activity: For a cell or a tissue to repair itself, it must have high quality raw materials. 

The freeze-drying process allows all the natural substances to remain intact such as; DNA, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, peptides, amino acids, enzymes, fat-soluble nutrients, fatty acids, hormone precursors, naturally occurring glandular substances and other metabolic co-factors.

Activity is also heightened in this formula because all the glands are sourced from sheep. For example, the digestive system of sheep produces enzymes very similar to humans. Sheep glandulars contain 2 enzymes found in only one other mammal — humans.

  1. Aldose reductase, which is an enzyme that assists your body to metabolize sugar and;
  2. Steroid 17-20 lyase, which is and enzyme that both produces steroidal hormones and also assists in the detoxification of those hormones from your body.

You get nutritional substances derived from natural, organic glands that feed your pancreas to activate depressed biochemical pathways. Your body regards sheep cell components as raw material and building blocks to repair and rejuvenate your own cells.

This is the exact opposite of conventional medicine’s pharmaceutical approach that just deliver the isolated hormone insulin or artificial diabetic drugs.

Insulin only treats high blood sugar, which is just a symptom — without nourishing your pancreas.

No drug can do what the whole gland can do. Whole, organic pancreas from grass-fed animals possess all the nutrients required by your own pancreas in addition to the peptides and DNA material that act as ‘cell signaler’ which promote metabolic communications.

Injured Glands Absorb Raw Materials To Regenerate!

Opponents claim that when a glandular product is consumed, your digestive enzymes dismantle its active components before your body can absorb them. Therefore, orally administered glandular supplements cannot be effective.

First of all, even if that were true, you would still absorb the raw materials necessary to nourish the ailing gland. When you consume pancreas glandulars, it breaks down in your gastrointestinal tract and prime pancreas nutrients travel though your blood stream and are directed to your pancreas to rebuild and heal it.

However, there is evidence that some proteins, peptides, enzymes, and other large molecules pass intact from the human gut into the bloodstream.

Dr. A. Kment of Germany conducted radioisotope tracings, which confirm that specific factors from glandulars are not broken down into their constituent parts but are delivered intact to their glandular counterparts in the body.

These substances are rapidly utilized by their target gland, especially if that gland is injured. This indicates an increased requirement of those ingredients by that gland. For example, animals with pancreatic cell damage show rapid uptake of pancreas cells that resulted in active rejuvenation of the damaged pancreas. Likewise liver extracts resulted in liver regeneration.

Minerals, Vitamins & Herbs Bolster The Power

Of Glandulars In This NEW Glyco-Betic Formula

Chromium & Biotin Assist Insulin’s Action

Chromium is needed in very small quantities — but make no mistake, it’s essential in helping to regulate the amount of blood sugar in order to reverse insulin resistance. Experts contend that insulin uses chromium as a co-factor to transport glucose from the blood into the cells to be burned as fuel. Chromium acts in concert with a very small protein called LMWCr to assist insulin’s action.

When partnered with biotin, chromium becomes much more effective. Biotin supports the activity of the enzyme; glucokinase that aids your liver to use glucose. One double blind study done on 447 poorly controlled Type 2 Diabetics found that participants given the chromium/biotic combo had better blood glucose regulation and much better HbA1c levels than those given a placebo.

Vanadium Has Insulin-Like Effects

Evidence from animal studies suggests vanadium may be an essential trace element needed in very low doses that have an insulin-like effect in controlling blood sugar levels. It is particularly effective in improving fasting blood sugar levels.

Magnesium Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Magnesium supplementation may enhance blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes or prediabetic conditions. According to Dr. Jerry Nadler, MD, of the University of Virginia School of Medicine, “Diabetes is a magnesium deficiency state!” Dr. Nadler found that 80 percent of diabetics have low magnesium levels in their body cells. Oral magnesium supplementation may be protective against dreaded complications such as cardiovascular disease, retinopathy and kidney disease.

Bitter Melon Reduces Blood Sugar

This Asian fruit is widely touted as an effective treatment for Type 2 Diabetes. Studies suggest that combining bitter melon with diabetes drugs may reduce blood sugar to low levels. For this reason, if you already take diabetes drugs, you should monitor your blood sugar continuously as recommended.

Gymnema Sylvestre — the “Sugar Destroyer!”

This herb hails from India and its name in Latin means “sugar destroyer”. Practitioners of Ayurvedic Medicine used gymnema to treat diabetes as far back as 2,000 years ago. It helps to maintain stable blood sugar levels when used as part of a healthy diet. It does this by activating glucose release and also enhances pancreatic function.

Cinnamon Extract — Multiple Diabetic Benefits!

Researchers conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 60 Type 2 Diabetics. The conclusion found that a certain kind of cinnamon improved blood sugar levels by 18%-29%, dropped total cholesterol by 12%-26%, decreased LDL ("bad") cholesterol by 7%-27%, and lowered blood triglycerides by 23%-30%. These results are statistically significant when compared to the placebo group.

Zinc “Shields” Against Heart Disease & Makes Insulin!

Your pancreas uses zinc to form insulin. In addition, zinc may be protective against heart disease; a complication of diabetes. This was demonstrated in the March 2007 issue of Diabetes Care, which reported on a study of 1,050 Type 2 Diabetics over seven years. Over that period, 156 participants died from heart disease and 254 had fatal or nonfatal heart attacks.

Those who died from heart disease had blood zinc levels that were lower as compared to those who survived. In addition, zinc levels were lower in those who had heart attacks. The conclusion was that since zinc has antioxidant attributes, it might safeguard Type 2 Diabetics against heart disease.

Milk Thistle Extract Protects Your Liver

This herb is in the formula since it functions by neutralizing toxins trying to bind to your liver as well as by helping your liver to regenerate quickly.  Studies also indicate it may act as an antioxidant to bolster liver cell membranes. 

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 170 liver cirrhosis patients found that in the group treated with milk thistle, the 4-year survival rate was 58% as compared to only 38% in the placebo group. Preliminary evidence suggests that milk thistle might protect against liver injury caused by drugs such as acetaminophen, alcohol, phenothiaziness, and phenytoinn ( Dilantin)

Glucomannan Fiber — Enhanced Weight Loss!

In one study, diabetics were given glucomannan fiber-enriched biscuits and also wheat bran biscuits for blood sugar control. With the glucomannan biscuits, they experienced a significant improvement in blood glucose control as compared to the wheat bran biscuits. Other studies have also found evidence that glucomannan can improve blood sugar control.

Glucomannan is also known to improve constipation and may also assist in weight loss. Most folks have trouble consuming enough fiber from food, so fiber supplements, such glucomannan may fit the bill. When placed in water, it can swell up to 17 times its original volume, which make it a spectacular fiber supplement.

“Your Only Real Chance To Defeat Type 2

Diabetes Is To Rejuvenate Your Pancreas!”

Dr. Deepak Chopra, the famous Indian Ayurvedic physician contends that every cell including every tissue, gland and organ is replaced and rejuvenated within 9 months. Therefore it’s entirely possible to regenerate your pancreas.

This is fortunate since your only real chance to defeat diabetes is to rejuvenate your pancreas.

And this concept is not science fiction!

Pancreatic regeneration in mammals such a rats and mice is very well documented. However, with humans, medical science attempts to regenerate pancreatic beta-cells by implanting stem-cells.

You’ve heard of this. Stem-cells are embryonic cells that can transform into any type of cell the body requires. That’s the theory. The problem is that only 1% of stem-cells differentiate into insulin producing beta-cells when implanted in the body!

You have a chance to remake yourself with Glandular Therapy! Seize it!

All the components in “Glyco-Betic: The Ultimate Blood Glucose Regulator” were carefully combined after considering many other natural nutrients. The raw organic glandulars serves two purposes.

First they nourish your pancreas and liver with nutrients and raw materials that are not part of the American diet such as enzymes, proteins, peptides, amino acids, DNA, natural lipids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, hormone precursors and other factors.

Secondly, the glandulars provide hormones and biologically active substances. These gland specific factors normalize digestive enzyme and insulin output. An under-active pancreas is incapable of producing sufficient insulin.

By providing the protein configuration of pancreas tissue from other animals, plus other specific nutrients from herbs, vitamins and minerals and unknown co-factors for pancreas health and function, your own pancreas can rejuvenate sufficiently to improve its production of insulin naturally.

Please realize that this specific formula is not available through other mail order firms or health food stores.

Modern medicine only treats the symptom of Type 2 Diabetes, which is high blood sugar. Yes, it’s important to keep blood sugar within normal parameters, but you really can’t do it properly with injected insulin and artificial drugs. What you are trying to do is to mimic the function of your pancreas. It’s insane!

Look… the pancreas naturally monitors your blood sugar levels several times a minute and delivers a small dose of insulin if it’s high or glucagon if it’s low.

Why not try to aid your pancreas to naturally do its job? Why not give your pancreas the raw materials to repair, re-build and heal instead of trying to mimic its function with injected insulin and diabetes drugs?

Here’s how your pancreas regenerates itself. Through the process of “phagocytosis” (cellular destruction), dead and damaged cells are removed followed by repair and regeneration. If the cell is only damaged slightly then it is repaired. If the injury is severe, the entire cell is removed and a new cell is formed by “mitotic replication” by a neighboring cell to take the place of the old one.

This healing process has been happening since time began, but it can’t happen unless ALL the raw building blocks are present. Give your body what it needs!

You must also give your body the time it needs to heal. Remember, every cell including every tissue, gland and organ is replaced and rejuvenated within 9 months.

The President of Hampshire Labs, Inc is aware of the time it takes to heal. He completely understands and decided to offer you this 6-Month FAIR TRIAL: Purchase 3 bottles of “Glyco-Betic” within 10-days and he’ll also send you 3 more bottles absolutely FREE!

That’s a 6-month supply for the price of only 3-months. You pay just $119.91 with FREE shipping & handling! That’s just $19.99 a month for 6-months of welcome relief! And you save $119.91!

You’ll get enough “Glyco-Betic” tablets so that you’ll definitely see a difference in your blood sugar control, or your purchase price will be cheerfully refunded in full. Simply send back the unused portion for any reason within 90-Days. You must be 100% satisfied or we don’t want you to keep it!

Wishing You The Best!

Patrick I. Lecky,

P.S. “I Know You’re Going To Feel Better!”

Please don’t miss this limited time offer. Commit to trying “Glyco-Betic” for 6-months.  Truthfully, bolstering your pancreas naturally is tough, but it’s the only way to achieve real blood sugar control. You must give your body the nutrients and time to it needs to heal. You can still have your purchase price back — all of it — if you don’t believe the formula helped you. Hurry! The FAIR TRIAL OFFER is only good for 10 days so please send-in the order form with your payment today in the envelope provided! Or for faster delivery, call toll-FREE 1-800-270-5517. Have your credit card ready.

P.P.S. “Don’t Suffer Diabetic Complications Before You Act!
Continuous high blood sugars lead to diabetic complications such as nerve damage, kidney damage, eye damage, stroke, heart attack, gangrene and amputation of limbs. Don’t let it progress this far! Don’t live with regrets! Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda won’t help as you’re being wheeled into the emergency room!

Glyco-Betic: The Ultimate Blood Glucose Regulator


“Risk-Free” Fair Trial Offer

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